Product Overview
All pendants come with a black leather cord. Additional cords may be purchased for $2.22.
♥ Selenite ~ God’s White Light Crystal ♥
♥ Selenite is one of the least known and most underrated crystals out there. This crystal does everything Quartz Crystal does and more! ♥ Vibrational #: 8 - high vibration stones that will move your spiritual growth forward quickly. ♥ Chakra: Crown Chakra - opening the crown and higher crown chakras and accessing angelic consciousness and higher guidance.
♥ Element: Water ♥ Planet: Moon ♥ Astrological Signs: Taurus ♥ Energy: Receptive ♥ Mohs Hardness Scale #: 2 Selenite is very soft and occurs in nature as flattened or twinned crystals and transparent cleavable masses. It will dissolve in water, so do not place in water or any liquids.
♥ Protection: Selenite can be used to form a protective grid around a house, creating a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in—use internally in the corners of the house and bury externally at the corners of the property. A large piece of Selenite placed in the house ensures a peaceful atmosphere. Selenite wands can be used to detach entities from the aura or for preventing anything external from influencing the mind.
♥ Healing: Selenite lends to reconciliation and energy to the body. It has cleansing effects and removes negative influences of all kinds. Psychologically, Selenite assists judgment and insight. Mentally, it clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. It brings about a conscious understanding of what has been occurring at the subconscious level. This is a powerful disperser and stabilizer for erratic emotions. These crystals can be especially useful for people who are suffering from chronic illness such as chronic pain syndrome, chronic fatigue, skin disorders, back or other chronic pain. It restores balance and can help you to gain considerable insight as to the root cause of a specific condition. Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. It guards against epileptic seizures. This stone neutralizes mercury poisoning from dental amalgam and reverses the effects of "free radicals." It is an excellent crystal for breastfeeding and nurturing a child. Its finest healing occurs at the energetic levels.
♥ Special Properties: Self-cleansing master facilitator - has a wide variety of uses in crystal work and can be used very successfully for cleansing crystals and gemstones.
♥ Properties: Selenite constantly recharges itself, so you never have to worry about cleansing it or recharging it--ever! Selenite can cleanse, recharge, and program your crystals and gemstones as well. The only other crystal that can cleanse, recharge, and program your crystals and gemstones that we know of is Apophyllite. Selenite is much easier to obtain. Some sources claim that selenite energy operates like no other, working rather like a radio that tunes into areas of difficulty or static. Selenite is powerful for activating dormant abilities from past lives. Place any crystal, specimen, or pocket stone you have been working with on top of your selenite. The crystal will both clean any energies present and help to recharge your other crystals and stones. You can greatly increase any other crystal or stone energy by pointing your selenite at the other stone, visualizing just how you want that stone to perform. In addition to removing negative energies, selenite enables one to more readily access unconscious impulses and patterns of behavior, so it's important to be mindful when working with it. Its energy is best directed outward rather than inward as a protective influence. Pure Selenite is a link to the light body, helping to anchor it in the earth vibration. Selenite is a calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Telepathy is enhanced by each person holding a piece of pure-vibration Selenite. The purest translucent white Selenite has an ethereal quality and is said to inhabit the place between light and matter. An ancient stone, it is nevertheless one of the most powerful crystals for the new vibration on earth. Carrying the imprint of all that has happened in the world, Selenite reaches other lives and is very useful for checking on progress made and for accessing the plan for the present life from the between-lives state. It pinpoints lessons and issues that are still being worked upon, and shows how they can best be resolved. It can be used for scrying, to see the future or to ascertain what has happened in the past.
♥ Black Tourmaline ♥
♥ Black Tourmaline protects against negativity ♥
♥ Vibrational #: 3 & 4 ♥ Chakra - Root Chakra ♥ Astrological Sign: Capricorn
♥ Mohs Hardness Scale #: 7.0
♥ Protection: Black Tourmaline crystal is a powerful stone for protection against negative energy of all kinds and psychic attack as well as being a strong spiritual grounding stone.
♥ Healing: Known for its healing powers, Black Tourmaline has the ability to calm restless thoughts.
♥ Special Properties: Black Tourmaline provides peace of mind; it is a good stone for meditation and to promote serene dreams.